We’re 10 months out still (June-ish 2025) on hearing the outcome of the Garland vs Vanderstok (frames / receivers) case, which will be heard this October (2024). I am VERY optimistic about a favorable decision, and we’ll see a surge of interest in privately made firearms! Why am I optimistic?
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Welcome writer-extraordinaire, Robert Farago!
The forum has been up for about 7 months, but I’ve neglected this part (blog) of the website. I’ve been busy (with the forum)! I hope to do some writing for the blog as time and energy allow. I’d like to welcome one of my favorite writers: Robert Farago. He
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Welcome to the Patriot Gun Builders Blog and Forum!
Polymer80, Glock-Style “P80,” 80%, 3D printed, privately made firearms (aka “PMF”), pistol and AR-15 rifle builders will find a plethora of building resources, tips, tricks and troubleshooting, gunsmithing and modification, along with a community of helpful fellow enthusiasts, hobbyists, and true experts in our Gun Building Forum. This forum was
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